
The covid-19 pandemic will be over by the end of 2021, says Bill Gates

Covid-19 can only be brought under control with an effective vaccine. Until this vaccine is a reality, the world’s economies and healthcare-systems will suffer. Above all, though, it will be the poorest of the poor who will feel the full brunt of this crisis. This is the stance of Bill Gates, who in this interview sheds light on the emergence and the outworkings of the current pandemic. Being at the front and center of this crisis, Gates is able to connect many of the crisis’ aspects and is not afraid to speak about the tough facts. 

What are the implications for international politics and economy? How are the poor faring? And what is happening in the race for a vaccine? The founder of Microsoft seems to be on the forefront of each of these questions. (Even some of the new conspiracy theories revolve around him and his multi-billion-dollar company.) 

Disappointed that his previous warnings concerning viruses have been falling on deaf ears for years, Gates remains positive and predicts that a vaccine could be through trials and ready for use as early as late 2021. This could result in a global stabilization by the end of 2022. 

But the time span of the pandemic is only a minor question. It will end. But what will the new beginning look like? Covid-19 inflicted major setbacks and challenges us to rethink our way of governing, believing and living with each other.

Read The Full Story on The Economist

Original Language: English 
Photo: Edwin Hooper on Unsplash

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