EventsHealthcarePublic Events

Symposium: Dying Without Dignity? (4 Nov 2023)

This event will be held in English/German, but simultaneously translated into German/English (LiveVoice App).

Why is the call for assisted suicide rising?
What is the legal situation in Austria?
What are the risks and dangers?
What alternatives are there?

Target Audience:

The conference is aimed at professionals in counselling, employees in the diaconal sector and those interested in the topic.

About the Speakers:

Professor John Wyatt is Emeritus Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics, Ethics & Perinatology at University College London, UK. He has worked as a paediatrician specialising in the care of newborn babies at a leading neonatal intensive care unit for more than 25 years. John is also a senior researcher at the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, Cambridge. He is a widely known author and speaker. His recent books are The final Lap, Death Without Dignity?, The Robot Will See You Now, Dying Well, Right To Die?

John will show how unstable the arguments for euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are. In their place, he proposes a more humane path, including the expansion of palliative end-of-life care.

Visit Prof Wyatt’s website here:

Mag.a Antonia Holewik is a lawyer and head of the policy department at the Institute for Marriage and Family with a focus on providing information and raising awareness on bioethical issues at the beginning and end of life from a legal and scientific perspective. Numerous researches, articles, papers and lectures on the topic of end of life with a special focus on “euthanasia” – especially with regard to the Austrian legal situation and social and political developments.

Fee for Symposium: € 90,00 incl. Coffee/Tea, Water, and little snacks, translation. Every participant will also receive John Wyatt’s book on the topic of Euthanasia. Lunch excluded.

Closing Date: 1 November

Please register via the Website of our partner cooperation White Cross Austria and participate in the discussion.

Date: Saturday, 4 November 2023, 9:00 – 17:00

Venue: “Kirche unter den Menschen” (KUM) in Salzburg, Clemens-Krauss-Straße 21, 5020 Salzburg

Cover Photo: Ron Szalata  | Unsplash

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