This Study Guide is intended to provide a framework for group discussions and personal study of the book The Robot Will See You Now, which was published by SPCK, London, in 2021. It is available from online booksellers. In Europe it can be ordered from Thalia, in the USA it can be obtained via our website (https://qvi.eu/order-the-book). This Study Guide has been written, developed, and produced by the Quo Vadis Institute, Salzburg, Austria.
The Study Guide provides a short and selective summary of the contents of each of The Robot Will See You Now chapters, followed by a series of open-ended questions for discussion and debate. After every question, some space is given, for those who will print out the Study Guide, to take notes.
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About the Authors of the Study Guide
Prof John Wyatt is Emeritus Professor of Ethics and Perinatology, University College London, and Senior Researcher at the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, Cambridge. He worked as a paediatrician specialising in the care of newborn babies at a leading neonatal intensive care unit for more than 25 years. Through his clinical experience he became increasingly aware of the ethical maelstrom caused by advancing technology and contentious debates about the nature of humanity at the beginning and end of life. He has now further specialised and is an expert in the interface between medical ethics, technology and Christianity, and is currently leading a research project on the social, ethical and theological implications of advances in artificial intelligence and robotics.
Johannes J Knecht, PhD studied Theology and Religious Studies at the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit (ETF) in Leuven, Belgium, and the University of St Andrews in Scotland. He specialised in the Christological debates of the Patristic and Early Medieval eras. Knecht currently is a Lecturer in Systematic and Historical theology, serves as the Dean of Postgraduate Studies at WTC Theology in England, and is Associate Researcher at the ETF in Leuven. His main interests are Christology, Trinity, the nature of Theology, and the intersection of Theological Anthropology and work. Besides this, he works with the Quo Vadis Institute in Salzburg.
Photo Credit: Andrea de Santis | Unsplash