
In the (Air-Conditioned) Heaven of Superhumans

Disabled persons will overcome their disabilities with technology. The British colour-blind artist Neil Harbisson “sees“ with his ears, using an Eyeborg, which transforms colors into sounds. A damaged mutation-afflicted gene can be replaced with an intact one or be repaired. However we don´t know the side- effects yet, claimed the geneticist Markus Hengstschläger. He insists there should be a prohibition of germline therapy. These and several more issues were touched upon at the 2015 Philosophicum Lech, a conference in the Austrian Alps.

Read full story on Die Presse

Original Title: Im (klimatisierten) Himmel der Supermenschen
Author: Thomas Kramar (Die Presse)
Original Language: German
Published on: 21 September 2015

Photo: Artur Tumasjan on Unsplash

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