
Book Launch: Death without Dignity? Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in Europe by John Wyatt

Over the last couple of months, we have been working with Prof John Wyatt on questions on euthanasia and physician assisted suicide. The hard work has paid off, as we have now published a book in both German and English with the title: Death without Dignity? Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in Europe.  

English Version: ISBN 978-3-98595-716-3

Questions surrounding the legalisation of euthanasia and/or physician assisted suicide are not new in Europe. In quite a few countries that have not yet legalised the practises, there is a move to do so now. In countries where the practise has been legal for some time, we see a push to widen the law and make the practises more widely and readily available. 

We are proud to say that this book challenges some of the arguments used in favour of euthanasia and physician assisted suicide and suggests a more humane way forward. It really is a must-read for anyone who wants to know more about one of the most difficult questions facing many parliaments in Europe. 

German Version: ISBN 978-3-98595-715-6

Lastly, we want to thank John Wyatt for his fantastic work, his insight, and analysis. We can only warmly recommend his work. 

About the Author: Prof John Wyatt

Professor John Wyatt is Emeritus Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics, Ethics & Perinatology at University College London and worked as a paediatrician specialising in the care of newborn babies at a leading neonatal intensive care unit for more than 25 years.

Visit Prof Wyatt’s website here:

More information on the distribution of the book can be found here:

English Version: “Death Without Dignity. Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in Europe”

German Version / Deutsche Fassung: “Sterben ohne Würde. Euthanasie und Assistierten Suizid in Europa”

Podcast #Rethink:

We are also planning a couple conversations with John which will be made available in our podcast series #Rethink in the weeks to come. Stay tuned! 

Table of Contents (English):

  • Introduktion
  • Chapter 1 – Tragic Narratives
  • Chapter 2 – Setting the Scene
  • Chapter 3 – The Beginning of Wisdom Is to Call Things by Their Proper Names
  • Chapter 4 – Compassion
  • Chapter 5 – Autonomy – the Right to Choose
  • Chapter 6 – Real World Problems
  • Chapter 7 – Medicine and the Role of Doctors
  • Chapter 8 – Social Forces and Trends
  • Chapter 9 – Lessons from Oregon and Canada
  • Chapter 10 – A Better Way: Expert Palliative Care
  • Chapter 11 – Christian Responses to Assisted Dying
  • Chapter 12 – Summary and Conclusion
  • Resources and Organisations

Inhaltsverzeichnis (Deutsch):

  • Einführung
  • Kapitel 1 – Tragische Begebenheiten
  • Kapitel 2 – Einstieg in das Thema “Euthanasie”
  • Kapitel 3 – Der Anfang der Weisheit besteht darin, die Dinge beim richtigen Namen zu nennen
  • Kapitel 4 – Mitgefühl
  • Kapitel 5 – Autonomie – das Recht zu wählen
  • Kapitel 6 – Probleme der realen Welt
  • Kapitel 7 – Medizin und die Rolle der Ärzte
  • Kapitel 8 – Soziale Kräfte und Trends
  • Kapitel 9 – Lehren aus Oregon und Kanada
  • Kapitel 10 – Ein besserer Weg: kompetente Palliativversorgung
  • Kapitel 11 – Christliche Antworten auf Sterbehilfe
  • Kapitel 12 – Zusammenfassung und Schlussfolgerung
  • Ressourcen und Organisationen

Extracts of the Book:

Audiobook in German: Listen to Chapter 1 “Tragic Narratives” (Hörprobe des 1. Kapitels: “Tragische Begebenheiten”)

Narrator: Dominic KolbLength: 3 Hours and 16 Minutes, Produced by Klangkantine Audiobooks

Graphic Design of Book: Hanna Gawlas,

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“Death Without Dignity?” Available as Paperbacks, E-Books, and Audiobook