
The Hard Choices Covid Policymakers Face

Currently, at almost every press briefing or conference, we see scientists: an epidemiologist, chief surgeon, or chief medical officer. In the context of the Corona Crisis, how can the oft-perceived gap between science and politics be bridged? How could science helpfully inform policy in this challenging time. 

This helpful article shows that epidemiological experts have been rallied by governments worldwide to provide models, data, and suggest effective strategies. The challenges are countless and reach from near-complete economic crackdowns, healthcare systems standing at the brink of collapse, and rises in domestic violence and abuse. Officials in charge of setting policy are overwhelmed by the sheer cost and impact of many of the needed societal and governmental responses.

One starts to wonder, reading this article, if in this scenario of possible misinformation and insufficient data, wisdom is not more precious than mere knowledge. How can the scientific knowledge provided by the scientists be interpreted wisely, for policy makers to make well balanced decisions? 

Read Full Article on The Economist

Original Language: English 
Published on: 4 April 2020
Photo: Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash

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