A Conversation with Dr Quentin Genuis and Prof John Wyatt, No. 3
In the third and last part of their conversation, Dr. Quentin Genuis and Prof. Dr. John Wyatt discuss some more personal and ethical questions they are confronted with as physicians amidst the Covid-19 crisis. What light does this crisis shed on the healthcare profession for younger doctors who have never experienced the reality: being a physician involves, at times, great risk? Why would we risk our lives for other? And how can people working in healthcare cope with the current pressure?

Guests: Quentin Genuis (MD, MLitt St.Andrews, BMSc) and John Wyatt (Emeritus Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics, Ethics & Perinatology at University College London)
Join us and rethink.
Photo Credits: Jonathan Borba on Pexels; Private