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Public Event: “Artificial Revolution?” (11 April 2024)

Panel discussion on AI, Ethics and Anthropology with Dr. Jan Juhani Steinmann and Mag. Lukas Madl on 11 April in Salzburg

We will hear introductory statements on these and other questions from philosopher Dr. Jan Juhani Steinmann and innovation expert Mag. Lukas Madl. We will then address current questions on the topic in the plenary session, discuss new theoretical and practical approaches and think ahead to future developments. We will conclude these thought processes with drinks and conversation.

Event Facts:

Thursday, 11 April, 7 P.M. (19:00) in DOMBUCHHANDLUNG, Kapitelplatz 6, 5020 Salzburg.

Admission voluntary donation.

The Event will be held in German.

Registration is now closed.

About the Speakers:

The philosopher, poet and theologian Dr Jan Juhani Steinmann is currently researching poetic phenomenology with Kierkegaard, Nietzsche and Heidegger at the Institute Catholique de Paris and teaches as an external lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Vienna and the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. He innovatively combines philosophical theory with poetology, poetry and theology. In addition to his academic publications, he also publishes literary texts and volumes of poetry.

Book selection: Ästhetik des Ungehorsams. Interventionen im digitalen Zeitalter (with Albert C. Eibl, Wieser Verlag, 2024), Am Saum der Worte. Eine Wiener Musikpoesie (2021). Planned for May/June 2024: Kritik der künstlichen Vernunft. Vorspiel eines Anathemas and Das Vorfaltenlicht. Die Alpen und das Valley (Castrum Verlag).

Mag. Lukas Madl is the founder and managing director of Innovethic. As a trained geneticist and geoinformatician, he is fascinated by the ambivalence between innovation, creative freedom and the direct benefit of technical developments for people. As an expert and research partner for responsible innovation and trustworthy AI, he contributes his expertise to relevant EU regulations on AI. With Innovethic, he offers compliance courses (e.g. on the AI regulation) and ethics training. He also researches and teaches about potential dangers and problems for societies and ecosystems and advocates a responsible, trustworthy approach to technology. If it is possible to combine the pursuit of profit with ethics, everyone wins: companies and society as a whole.

This event is hosted by the Quo Vadis Institute.

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